Walking on the beach today, I feel the sound of the waves move all the way through me. Not just in my ears, but through my back, arms, feet, bones. All of who we are experiences every moment of our lives. When we breathe, our whole body is breathing. While 'we' are aware of our inhale and exhale, the oxygen coming into our lungs is transferred into every cell. We are one dynamic whole — the capillaries and toes just as important as our brain. Where did we learn that we are one giant brain informed almost solely by our eyes and ears? We have forgotten that we are infinite possibility.
When Will We Remember the Rest of Us?
I wonder as I walk the beach, 'When will we remember the rest of us?' The rest of our being which animates and gives us life. Our hundred trillion cells and the resonance they emit to keep us alive. When will we remember the rest of our internal family — all the hopes, fears, trauma and heartache that we may have buried? When will we remember the rest of our human family — suffering through war, starvation, and slavery? When will we remember the family of life itself — the oceans, the rivers, the skies, the creatures, the land?
We will remember when we have allowed ourselves to surrender to the life that moves through us and through everything. When we realize that every tiny skin cell that we shed and regrow is full of the great mystery of life itself. When that life becomes more important than our personality's needs, we will find access to endless energy, insight, creativity, compassion, and love.
We Will Inhabit a Deep Connection With All Life
We will care that not one person goes to sleep tonight hungry. We will care that the land, food, and waters are cared for with dignity. We will care about those who suffer through the obscenity of war and those who have lost hope. We will care because we will be inhabiting Spirit of Life inside of us. We will care from a place of tireless compassion for all of life. All the great spiritual traditions point to this place. Ancient Wisdom asks us to embody it.
It's possible we have so wanted to emulate these ideal qualities, that we have accepted the concepts, but skipped over the foundations within ourselves. We must first allow the Great Meeting with the parts of ourselves that we have ignored, and embrace those before we can hope to embrace the Life 'outside'.
It may be scary to let go of the only identity we know, we do not have to be who we were taught we are, have wanted to be, claimed to be, or what we have identified with. No matter what we think of our past, or how 'poorly' we might have done, we can begin to listen to this very breath, motion, rhythm, that moves us, and recognize that we are simply one being — at the deepest level, made of The Infinite. Breathe in the sounds, smell the colors, taste the textures that are in our space of existence, and discover new choices, based on the pure unfolding of Life.
This is a new moment, arising from the vast unknown inside of us. How will we meet it?
Share with us how you've awakened your infinite possibility by leaving a comment below.