You are not simply the product of an egg & sperm. You are not just the combined DNA of your ancestors. You are not the belief system of your parents, teachers, community or religion. You are more than the sum of your parts. You are insignificant beyond measure, yet Creator of all that you can perceive or imagine, at the same time. You are unique in all of time and space. As we unwind what has been fed to us through society, our upbringing, and through the collective field of humanity, we can begin to see what is actually true for us in each moment, and move with life, instead of with old, static patterns and beliefs. The Western-mind world view tells us that we are at the mercy of our circumstances. If we work hard enough, are a 'good' enough person, or just lucky, we will 'succeed' in life. If we follow the 'rules' our parents and teachers gave us, we will win the approval of others and of society. Ancient Wisdom tells us that Life is not a random ocean of events tossing us to and fro. We are, in this paradigm, each a portal for Life to pour through. You are the conduit and lens of Life Itself, Love Itself — the gateway between Heaven and Earth — shaping your life like a fine piece of art. The kaona (level of perception) you choose, will open the doorway to worlds within worlds. Two people observing a common incident will report a different chain of events, different colors, identities and timing. You are seeing through the matrix of your unique perception. None of us see life as it is, but instead see it as we are. We stand at the Center of our perception. What we experience depends, at least partially, on kaona - the levels of perception to which we are able to open ourselves. All levels of experience can be helpful depending on the circumstance. When we're hungry, we happily pay attention to gathering and making a meal. In the realm of consciousness, Quantum Physics tells us that as human beings, we are 99.999% space.
Physical Science tells us that we see only 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Most of who I am, and what lies just beyond my immediate (tiny) perception, then, is the vast unknown. Infinity, I am told, cannot be grasped with the mind. As I have allowed myself to reconsider what I 'know' as only one possibility, space has been created for more Life to flow through. Allowing myself to 'not know' has, so far, created the greatest movement of expansion on all levels. Instead of seeking more, I choose less — less knowledge, less seeking, less striving, and more willingness to dive without a safety net, into the Present, allowing this moment to reveal itself, and being as honest with myself as I can, to feel what is actually true right now. This 99.999% unknown, unseen inside of us, to me, is Source. Happier and happier I am, to leave the comfy, cozy consciousness of what I already know, and dwell in the unknown. 'What is true' in this moment seems to become more and more vast, and the glimmer of magic runs, like sparkling water, through everything. Dismantling our 'perceptive field' — in cellular consciousness — and finding our way back to Source inside of us, is the pathway to Freedom offered by the Ancient Ones. Every Blessing on your journey!