Taking a step towards myself, towards Spirit, towards Life, I find that Spirit takes a step towards me. In saying 'yes' and 'meeting' whatever comes my way, I take the power out of my own resistance, and Life is able to flow more fully through me. Strangely enough, it was much easier to meet the pain, anger, fear, and lack, as this is what I was used to. Yet another moment of rejection, even as I went deeper into its roots, had a familiar ring. As my willingness to come face to face with myself increased, a subtle, and then more clear acceleration began to build. I was able to move deeper in to my relationship with my family inside, and recall my power from people I had (quite mistakenly) trusted with my redemption. I finally realized that I was the only one who could face whatever I needed to face. No teacher or doctrine could do it for me. Then, a beautiful moment occurred — like a bride, realizing she is at the wrong altar — I was able to pick up the train of my wedding dress, and walk with dignity, out of the church, even under the shocked gaze of all the guests. As I stepped out of a false belief and into the truth of my own deepest resonance, Life flew in, with great velocity, to meet me. This single act seemed to recall my energy from every situation in which I had given my essential power away. Since this pivotal moment, I feel as though a whole new layer of reality has opened up. I have been dancing with the wind, singing with the ocean, in a pure and endless communion with everything inside of me and everything outside of me. It's not a fairy tale, but does feel like the awakened mystical is available more and more to meet my everyday life — all the strong and subtle moments no matter what they bring. In each moment I find myself with more choice, more ability to feel what's true, more overflowing Love for myself, for my fellow beings and for Life, more hysterical laughter and more fun. As seemingly aeons of pain has been released, I am finding a new challenge to meet more and more of the joy, and the question arises: 'Who am I to say 'yes' to the goodness of Life?' I would never have guessed that meeting the more painful sides of Life would have been easier than this. Yet here I am, facing the challenge of opening to more beauty, courage, abundance, light, love, expansion, and fun. It is surprising to arrive at the gateway of more ease, joy and freedom, and find my own resistance greeting me. 'Aren't these the things I've always wanted?' I ask myself. And so here I am, on the edge of a deeper Joy, paying close attention.......happy to be on yet another vast and amazing cliff.....stepping off into unknown wonders.........NOW!