For most of our ‘modern’ history, we humans have been under the illusion that we are living separate lives. For most of us, our primary attention has be centered on what we want or think we need — ways in which our lives can become ‘better’. We have created whole life trajectories around gaining more money, popularity, prestige, relationships, possessions, power and influence. The idea that our choices and movements in our own lives have any impact on humans, animals and ecosystems on the other side of the world seemed unlikely.
Today, we are slowly coming to recognize that our lives are deeply interconnected with all other beings on Earth, as well as the Earth Herself. Our most personal habits either contribute or damage individual and therefore global ecosystems. We are being shown, in undeniable clarity, that we do not exist independently of the whole.
Ancient peoples have known this for millennia. They knew that when we influence the river, we influence the life in it & around it. We influence the life in the ocean, and eventually in the weather patterns. Indigenous people, living in deep relationship with the Earth, instead of it’s ‘master’, acted knowing that each choice they made would ripple far afield through the pathways of Life.
There is a loud call, from many sources today, to drastically alter our choices — what we choose to buy, eat, drive, reuse or throw away. While I believe every effort has impact, I also believe that transforming our perceptions — the foundations from which we act — are even more important.
Ancient Wisdom guides us to come into a new relationship with Life through our own bodies — the closest manifestation of Spirit in form. In this tradition, we are living inside of Creation Itself. We humans have been conditioned to overlook the breathing miracle of our own bodies in favor of the machinations of the mind. We have become locked in a way of seeing and being that denies the living existence of Spirit in our own cells. Beginning to cultivate a new relationship with the Life inside of us, creates a recognition and receptivity to all of Life.
We having been living for hundreds of years under the leadership of the almighty brain, and forgotten that Life is more than a scientific measurement, it is Alive! Just as you and I are unique and complex beings among 7 billion other unique and complex beings, so is every cell, organ, tissue and drop of fluid in the body in the midst of 100 trillion other cells!
We are not a compilation of anatomy, are are Consciousness in Motion. We have come to believe this consciousness is limited to what we can perceive in the mind, but Ancient Wisdom shows us that it is much more vast, and that we inhabit this consciousness, cellularly, in every moment of our lives, whether we acknowledge it or not.
Ancient Lomi Lomi trainings give us an opportunity to step beyond the habitual ways of perceiving ourselves and the world. They bring us to meet what is awake and alive in the depths of our awareness, and in our tissues themselves. As we allow ourselves to be breathed and moved by Life, we come back to our Natural State of Being.
We are each a new world unfolding from an Origin Point deep in our cellular being. This wide-awake Life is waiting for us to step, with more and more of who we are, into to a new paradigm.