There is always something exciting for me about taking to the skies - imitating actual flight, flights of fancy and the willingness to let go of where I have been and soar into new vistas. Not to mention the sacred Flying ('movement meditation') which is an integral part of this transformational work!
There is always a new world awaiting, no matter what our surroundings. Even in everyday life the possibilities are endless, but traveling, we are assured that our tomorrow will not be a mundane repeat of the daily routine, and we are lifted, smack-dab, into the new.
And so I embark again on the mystery of adventure. The loud, red eye flight gave way to the gracious and loving loft of British Airways. London airport was full of eager travelers, loving reunions and smiles. Landing in Madrid, it occurs to me that we are never far from both the familiar and the unknown, the mundane and the infinite. We are constantly choosing how we will resonate. There is a base frequency (or range of frequencies) which we call 'home' — our 'default setting' so to speak — our unique perception of the world. This is comprised of millions of bits of information organically calibrated during our formative years, much of which is unconscious. Although we continue to change and evolve throughout our lives, the 'matrix' of perception which was formed at an early stage decidedly colors our experiences. In other words, we are mostly seeing a version of the world within a very narrow bandwidth. As we evolve inside of these contained possibilities, we allow ourselves to transform only within the boundaries our deep, core beliefs will allow.. This may be another factor in the common belief that: 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks' 'Deepen your awareness and change this 'default setting', of the way we see the world, and we change everything — what we experience, expect, transmit and receive. Eliminate this setting and we find infinite possibility awaken more consciously in every moment.
So as I fly, the goal is no longer to get higher, happier or more fulfilled in my life. It is to meet this cornucopia of feelings, experiences, sights, smells and sounds with more and more of my original Self — as much as possible in this moment — allowing The Infinite (in the form of everything....) to shine itself on a version of me that has no expectations of Life, but is simply immersed in the privilege and vastness of being Alive right now.
When was the last time you saw the world as brand new — perhaps in the midst of new surroundings? Can you bring this way of perceiving into your familiar reality? How does that change your experience??