The voices of our Indigenous brothers and sisters ring clear. These are the voices which guide us to a remembrance of what is important, guide us back to Life. As many of us drown ourselves in 'conceptual reality', we have become immersed in expectations, obligations, demands and desires. Those who still remember what lies beneath it all — communion with Life Itself — cry out all over the world. if we listen with open attention, and open hearts, we may recognize a resonance of truth. We may be called to 'give up' what we thought was important, what we were taught was valuable, and feel our Original Nature once again.
As a native person, I feel the Earth, the Ocean, the Sun, the rocks and rivers as if they were alive with consciousness, because they are. The Life in me and the Life in all are one and the same. In placing itself at the pinnacle of evolution, modern man has shot himself in the foot. In perceiving itself as the most advanced being on the evolutionary scale, the Western mind has developed a fatal case of 'entitlement'. Throughout time, humankind has manipulated land, people and resources for it's own gain, because each conqueror thought that this was their due.. We have been lost in separation, and the momentum of that mana has catapulted us to the brink of the ultimate separation: our own extinction as a species.
As we re-member the Life in our bodies, the Life in the Land, the Stars, the Oceans we open the floodgates for Life to respond, to blossom, and maybe even to be healed.
We are Mauna Kea
We are Haleakala
We are the desert of Qumran
We are the Amazon
We are the River Lee
We are the Blue Mountains
We are the Arctic Sea
We are the Tundra
We are the shining Stars
.....and the Light in each other's eyes.
To join the alliance for the sacred mountain, Mauna A Wakea, on The Big Island of Hawai'i,
please visit: Kahea