Ancient cultures all over the world recognize the Sun as a sacred being. We in the modern world perceive it's existence as essential to life on this planet. Its' light has been revered for millennia as Holy partially because Ancient People consider Life Itself to be Holy. The Life in the Earth, in our Bodies, and in the Stars were recognized as the same force. In this world view, humans beings are inseparable from the movement of the cosmos — in the tiniest organisms, to the pulsations of our galaxy and universe.
My teacher, Kahu, was an accomplished master of Hawaiian Geomancy — encompassing study of the flow of the land, the elements, and natural energies' effect on our physical world on many levels. In one of his teachings, he mentioned developing an awareness of the rising sun, and how its light arrives at the Mystical Being of your home. Note what the sun touches before it comes into contact with your home. It's rays, as powerful beams of energy from this massive ball of Light, will bring with it the energy of all it touches. The Suns' rays embody the energy of their journey to us, just as we bring the energy of our Life's Journey to each moment. The more immediate past can have a more pronounced effect. If the Sun's Light reaches you through a clump of bamboo, the Light may be bringing with it qualities of softness, strength, flexibility and gentle movement. If the Light touches a Police Station or Military Facility before reaching your home, you may more readily feel the energies of safety, urgency or precision.
The rising Sun reaches me filtered by the sub-tropical jungle of Maui. I am blessed to feel the Life Force of both the Sun's rays and the abundant green touching me. The shapes and movement of the leaves and sun, in light and shadows on my windows feels strong & enlivening. In kind, my life does seem to be filled with powerful growth through the ever-expanding attention allowed me through this work. I can also feel overwhelmed at times by the many areas of my life which require attention. So the energy of abundance and endless growth reaches me each morning. Welcoming it with awareness, I will be able to use those elemental forces to navigate Life. In other words, if I simply feel overwhelmed I may miss other qualities like 'powerful energy', 'abundance', 'more Life pouring through to me'. Feeling how the Light of the Rising Sun reaches you, can expand your awareness and open up more choice around the movement of Life itself in your home, consciousness and actions.
Ancient Wisdom also tells us that we are emanators of Light. This force of Spirit is present in every iota of our bodies. This is the same Spirit which animates all of Life. It's motion is constantly rising and falling in rhythm with Source. In a sense we are receptors foran endlessly rising Sun from the depths of our being. Like the Sun of our Cosmos touching what lies between us, this Light will touch whatever filters we have put in place, before it reaches our conscious awareness. It can be likened to the 'tiny whispers' we hear from time to time — the whispers of our Soul offering a way that might seem illogical, counter-intuitive or 'unproductive'. You might have followed some or many of these, and found wondrous and unexpected outcomes, or these decisions may have taken you on a path which has brought you even more gifts.
At times, we might also have followed 'whispers' which seemed to result in grief, confusion or complication. And here lies 'the rub'. The filters through which we listen to this constantly rising Spirit Life within, will color our perceptions. Our conditioning, pattering and belief systems are often unseen. Once we have them 'installed' and have been listening to them for so long, like the music of 'white noise', they become, to our awareness, 'Like the Silence'.
If we want to embody Life with more and more clarity and vitality, we must be willing to come face to face with our unseen assumptions. Since we are usually listening to the silent matrix of our subconscious or unconscious conditioning, the mind, as we generally operate, is of little use. It will tell us there is nothing there, or that what is there is pure, clear and accurate. If we stop here, then we may find ourselves operating in a circular motion, where the same or similar outcomes seem to manifest and we don't truly move forward. Through Ancient Wisdom, Kahu offered us work that accesses these embedded patterns in the matrix of the body first — which doesn't lie — and the mind 'catches up' later. This is a natural process in which we can discover that the mind is not 'in charge' after all! It also must submit to Life. When patterning is transmuted in the body, the mind has no choice but to reflect new avenues of freedom which infuse our daily life. Our electromagnetic field is altered and as we interface with ourselves and the world, new opportunities and discoveries are available that were not found in our previous state of being. We recognize a deeper communication with Life itself as it rises and falls through us, as us. We are able to touch, experience and embody the Sacred Rising of the Light within and without.
There can be powerful transmutation that occurs within the container of a Retreat or Training. The following are initial principles that you may choose to explore in your daily life:
• Pay Attention - especially to any level of assumption in any given situation.
• Be As Honest With Yourself As You Can - If you are coming into contact with unconscious beliefs, they may very well feel quite uncomfortable at first, and you may have an impulse to deny, avoid or distract yourself with things like Food, TV, Busyness, Argument, or Hedonism.
• Take time to Nurture your Awareness - Spend regular silent time in a natural environment. If this is not available, lie quietly, breathe and allow your body, attention, and awareness to completely relax. With regular practice, you will succeed in unwinding many levels of tension and holding that can keep us from feeling our Spirit Life Force.
• Take Action that honors the Life inside of you, and therefore All Life. Keep paying deeper and deeper attention to where you source your actions. You will begin to feel more authentic responses vs. those you previously thought were 'right'. Right Action can usually found in Presence of Now, and in support of Life.
Wishing you a profound communion with this Infinite Light that beams from deep inside you. Aloha Nui Loa!