Who came into this world.
What innocence, freedom, comfort.
Who was it that built the fairy castles, and proclaimed herself queen?
Who loved the world upside down and could find himself walking on the sky?
The time when hunger was delicious, and laughter was best in forbidden places?
When singing and building sand castles were the same thing?
When you swung higher on the swing than anyone had in the history of the world?
When tracking monsters in the backyard became a full blown dance?
The connection that needed no connection
because nothing was 'apart'.
When the rain was a creature to be played with.
How every day unfolded endlessly.
When Light sparkled in your eyes from sheer wonder at all that was magical.
When nothing was impossible.
I breathe
I sing
I laugh
I cry
I jump
I shout
I sleep
I remember
original Heart still beats inside of each of us. Uncovering the essence of
who you truly are from layers of who we were taught we could be, should
be, must be — this is the gift of the Ancients. No matter what anyone
has told you.......We are here to remember.........and to FLY!!!