What if we really lived the popular spiritual catch-phrase: 'We Are All One'? What if we were able to see every person, circumstance and belief system that we came across as a part of our immediate consciousness? What if we did not allow ourselves to blame anything — personal, political or universal — on any other person, collective or deity? What if we were victims of nothing, and creators of everything? What if the hate and anger we feel so self-righteous about is only feeding the energy of hate and anger in the world? What if the hate and anger we suppress in order to be a 'good person' is an ever-strengthening bomb, waiting to explode in our bodies, or in the world? What if Life Itself is not as attached as we are to our personalities' vision of Right and Wrong? Can we allow ourselves to experience Life Itself as it flows through our body right now, and identify more with this flow than with what we have been taught to believe? Can we put this flow before everything and completely rearrange our priorities? My experience is that Life Itself has a much more vast and ever-changing perspective than our tiny minds. 'We' are no match for the spark of Life that animates each of us. Right now, as your read this sentence, all 50 trillion cells are participating in cellular processes. Within the hour, you will have lost and replaced 1.5 million skin cells. Not only do we generally take this vast intelligence pumping through our bodies for granted, we seem to live relentlessly in the tiniest occurrences of the mind, including all the conscious and unconscious evaluations, associations, beliefs, structures, fears, defenses, etc. (this list could go on and on for a long, long time). The Ancients guide us directly back to ourselves — physically, metaphorically, energetically and spiritually. The guidance is simple, but the complex resistance of our mind will dismiss it in less than a second. Our body / mind relationship is exactly the same as the relationship between the 1% and the 99% popularized by the Occupy Wall Street movement. It is exactly the same as the relationship of Western Colonial Culture with Indigenous Peoples. We have deified the Mind, Science, Separation, and Technological Prowess, and we have dismissed the rest as existing to serve this elite concept. Most of Western Society is caught in an elaborate concept of reality. So what can we do? We can start to pay attention. If we can identify this significant imbalance in our own bodies, and therefore our lives, we can begin to come into resonance with Natural Order, the very rhythm of the Universe. Step out of your comfort zone, even out of your concept of 'Spirituality' and see what lies beyond. What if there was nothing to understand, but everything to experience? What if we have been experiencing life primarily through the filter of our mental concepts? And what if we can step into a resonance that will take us beyond our wildest dreams individually and as a race? The mind will tell us that it is time to change the world. Ancient wisdom tells us it is time to come into Alignment with our own Natural Order, within and without, and the world will change. In so doing, we will act from a connected resonance in our cells, and external reality will rise to this greater resonance. My teacher would say: "To achieve anything in Life, You have to have Already Arrived". If we are wanting to arrive in a whole new paradigm of Life on Earth, we have to allow all the dimensionality of this in our own systems. This experience of Life is deeper and wider than many of us in the West have imagined. The earthquake, tornado or pollution in your life, body, emotions or consciousness is not unrelated to the external environment. Face them, take responsibility, keep listening to what is true, and together, we will embody this New Earth.
"Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing,there is a field. I'll meet you there." —Rumi