Retreat Schedule • 2019

Maui • Switzerland • POLAND • canada


Teaching flying

7-Day Residential Training Retreat • Apprentice / Accredited Practitioners

This Workshop, *for qualified Apprentices & Accredited Practitioners only, will focus on Ka’alele ‘Au — the movement ‘meditation’ allowing us to touch the infinite in our cellular being, and entire system. We will address expansion opportunities through Flying Refinements, aspects of Body Mapping, and guidelines of transmitting this powerful practice in the most optimum way for each of us.

Participants should come prepared for a vigorous physical program. Successful graduation will open new vistas of expansion in our own system, as well as assisting others in their journey of exploring the depths of themselves.

Qualified participants, please contact:
or call 808.269.0591

Switzerland • JuNE 1-10, 2019 • SOLD OUT!!

10-Day Residential Training Retreat • Open to new participants


Join us in the magnificent Kiental Valley — a UNESCO Heritage Site — for an opportunity to Embody the Sacred through the experiential work of Ancient Lomi Lomi. Learn to navigate Life with an integrated Body, Mind & Spirit. From this resonance of wholeness, we enter the practice of Ancient Lomi Lomi.  Expand your capacity for Healing and step into a new way of Being!

This is challenging and life-changing work which asks us to come face to face with our limiting patterns.  If you are ready to experience an awakening of The Body Consciousness, and say YES to more Life, I look forward to seeing you!

NOTE:  German Translation will be available for this course.

Click here for Details & application!
click here for details in German

Contact Lina Sjodin at: +41 (0) 79 330 0005

Poland • June 24-30, 2019

7-Day Residential Training Retreat • Open to new participants


Join us for the first Retreat in Poland! This offering is open to new participants and will introduce practices to ‘raise our internal speed’ and bring us into alignment with all aspects of our inner and outer ‘ohana (family). Transform the foundation of your ‘Perceptive Field’, and embody a new way of being. This will not be a continuation of previous Lomi Lomi training, but will introduce a new foundation for this profound work.

Polish translation will be available in the Retreat.

Dołącz do nas! Po raz pierwszy w Polsce 7-dniowe szkolenie ze starożytnego Lomi Lomi. Ta rzadka nauka wprowadza nas w świat Ke Ala Hoku - Ścieżki do Gwiazd. Otwarcie tej ścieżki oferuje nam Starożytne i Rewolucyjne połączenie: z naszymi ciałami, naszą mentalną/emocjonalną percepcją i naszym rezonansem z Gwiazdami. To szkolenie daje nam możliwość przyspieszenia samopoznania, ewolucji i rozwoju. To idealne szkolenie dla każdego, kto pragnie szybkiego i głębokiego rozwoju osobistego i duchowego. Żadne uprzednie doświadczenie z masażem nie jest konieczne.

Click here for details!
Contact:  Organizer artur Lewinski

Maui • August 25-September 23, 2019* • ‘Cultivating Mana’

30-Day Apprenticeship Training • *pre-requistes apply


The Apprenticeship Training is a 30-Day Residential course for those who have attended at least 3 Retreats with Lineage of Light. Students already practicing Ancient Lomi Lomi will participate in full length sessions on members of the local community. Students will be engaged with the Mana of the work on many levels: working with the land, cultivating navigation skills, and the ability to integrate the work into daily life. This Training is limited to 4 students to ensure ample individual attention.

This is an opportunity to refine the principles and practice of Ancient Lomi Lomi, and take your sessions to the next place.

Click here for details!
Contact JOdy at
or 808.269.0591

Salt spring island, Canada•October 15-19, 2019

5-Day ‘embodying spirit’ Retreat • Open To New Participants


We are excited to announce a new type of Retreat in which participants can fully dive into the powerful foundations of the work. This workshop will offer Ancient embodiment practices to expand perception, consciousness & awareness which move beyond our current paradigm. This is an opportunity discover levels of communion with forgotten parts of ourselves and with all of Life.

Embodying Spirit includes a full session of Ancient Lomi Lomi with an Accredited Practitioner. "The ancient lineage, energetic touch, breath, movement and music combine to transmit new possibilities to the body/mind. In scientific language, one could say that this work opens up new neural pathways of memory, emotion and thought.

Register early to ensure your space!

or call 808.269.0591

Teaching Ho’omanamana* • Maui • Nov 1-8, 2019

7-Day Residential Training Retreat • Apprentice / Accredited Practitioners

This Workshop, *for qualified Apprentices & Accredited Practitioners only, will focus on Ho’omanamana — the practice of releasing constrictions in the tissues to embody more mana. Ho’omanamana tranforms blockages into “contributing factors” in our system. Qualified students will learn how to address the joints, soft tissues, bones and organs, with use of the breath, both gentle & strengthening movement, creating more softness, support & freedom on all levels of being.

Participants accepted will have a consistent practice of personal daily Ho’omanamana in their lives for at least the last 6 months.

March 2016 ho'omanamana.jpg

Details coming soon!
Contact JOdy at
or 808.269.0591

Maui • November 15-24, 2019

10-Day Residential Training Retreat • Open to New Participants

Flying beyond Ho'okipa.jpg

Join us in the Light, Mana and Beauty of Maui, as we cultivate a new relationship with the Life inside and all around us. We will learn practices that bring us into alignment with the sacred work of Ancient Lomi Lomi, expanding awareness and moving with infinite motion. This Retreat includes the foundations of this mystical work, as well as application of the Bodywork for the back, front, arms & legs. We will be part of the pristine valley of Kipahulu on the Eastern tip of the island of Maui, supported by local, organic meals prepared by a Master Chef.

Click here for Details!
or call: 808.269.0591

Teacher training modules*

*Prerequisites apply:  Open to Apprentices & accredited practitioners
flying — May 2019 • Ireland
Ho'omanamana — January 2019 • Maui
ho'oponopono / core & cellular healing — TBA
Ancient lomi Lomi bodywork — 2020