E Komo Mai • Welcome
Aloha and Welcome to Lineage of Light Healing Retreats. These Workshops and Trainings invite participants to enter an Ancient & Revolutionary Pathway of Spiritual Training which ignites our essential Light, Purpose, Healing and Awakening from within.
Jody Mountain, Student of Kahu Abraham Kawai'i, offers a combination of Ancient Wisdom Sciences, Core Cellular Healing & Ancient Lomi Lomi, (also known as Ke Ala Hoku — Pathway to the Stars), to facilitate the blossoming of new areas of our consciousness.
Experience your innate connection with all of Life
as a path to realizing your deepest and highest potential.
Training Retreats
Timeless days of Discovery, Movement, Quantum Expansion & Ancient Bodywork with Jody Mountain.
Online Training
Come into a deeper relationship with your own Life Force, and with all of Life.
"Every one of us is an expanse of infinite possibility, a Song waiting to be sung, a Seed bursting to sprout,
an Epic Adventure waiting to be discovered. Whatever Life presents to us today, this moment, IS the next step to our highest potential. Releasing resistance and allowing every circumstance and emotion to propel us forward in life, is the gift of the Ancients." —Jody Mountain, Lineage of Light